Innovative and complete, tailor-made for your business
Retail is a solution designed to address the management and tax requirements of retail businesses. It is highly flexible and can be customized for various types of commercial activities, making it user-friendly even for non-expert operators. While a traditional cash register only fulfills tax obligations, Retail serves as a tangible support for store management, ensuring optimal efficiency and organization in the execution of all operations.
Le funzionalità base del software permettono di gestire il punto vendita a 360°, dalla gestione della cassa al magazzino, dall’anagrafica clienti all’analisi dati. Con Retail è anche possibile gestire molteplici tipologie di articoli anche con varianti come taglie, colori, matricole, seriali e differenti unità di misura. Le opzioni avanzate per la gestione di strumenti di fidelizzazione garantiscono un’ampia copertura di svariati tipi di promozioni e un quadro completo e sempre aggiornato delle abitudini di acquisto e delle preferenze dei singoli clienti.

360° Store managment
Time management optimazation
Improvement of efficiency and service quality
Customer loyalty
Integrated eCommerce
Online data analysis and graphs

Who is it for
Single stores
Construction companies
Small and medium distribution

Main features
POC touch-screen interface
Retail is equipped with a touch-screen interface, specifically designed for retail, to assist cashiers during transactions and payments. This interface allows cashiers to scan barcodes and identify customers using loyalty cards.
Warehouse Management
The Retail warehouse module, with its wide range of functionalities and automation options, can fulfill all the store's management requirements. This includes basic goods storage, complex management of multiple warehouses, and coordination with various suppliers offering multiple price lists.
Cloud Data Analysis
With Retail, you can activate an online data analysis platform shared by all local installations. This allows data collected by each individual store to converge into a unified dashboard with customizable reports and dashboards to meet your specific needs.
Stores features
Store management
- Cash point
- Price lists and promotions
- Warehouse and production
- Accounting
- Take advantage of your old hardware
- Integration for hotels, restaurants, and spas
Sales and analysis
- Control and Data Analysis
- Business intelligence
- Data security
- Electronic receipt
- Electronic Invoicing
- E-commerce Site
- Data enhancement
MDO solutions
- Franchising and Chains
- Organised Distribution
- Advanced Warehouse
We Bring Your Project to Life
If you have an idea or a goal to achieve, we are here to help you make it a reality. Our experience and expertise are at your service for collaboration in executing your next project. Together, we will transform your ideas into tangible results.
Contact us today, and let’s embark on this exciting journey together.